Moscow - Red Square, Red Tape, Red Sauce

I'd like to say that we burst through the red tape to eat red sauce in Red Square but that would be a slight manipulation of the truth. We did however manage to negotiate all the red tape involved with gaining access to Red Square, The Kremlin and to visit a waxy looking Lenin in his crib (Mausoleum). This was all done whilst painstakingly avoiding the document-demanding, power-tripping, bribe-hungry militsia in their ridiculously oversized hats (hope none of them are reading this or it's the Gulag for us!)
As for the red sauce (not particularly interesting, but necessary for the title to make sense); the traditional Russian hostel we were staying in (Godzillas) had kitchen facilities so we were straight onto standard budget-travellers rations of pasta and red sauce for 3 nights.
But before all of that, we survived our first train experience on the sleeper from St Petersburg to Moscow. Actually it would be technically incorrect to call it a "sleeper", as no sleep was had due to the ear-splitting snores emanating from the World Snoring Champion in the bunk opposite.
Cribbage Update: Still going with serve, Jools 1 Kev 1