...by Julie Gilbert aged 32 and a haf.

we got to go on a big smelly bus that was full of smelly noisy people for lots of lots of hours in the dark and it was really bumpy and sore on my botty until we got to a place called Cusco which is in the country of Peru which is in the country of South America which is like really big but Cusco is not so big and it is a really pretty place with lots of nice white houses and churches and old things and taxis and other cool stuff but we

didn't get to stay there long cos we had to go for a big long walk for like a million days and a million miles with millions of new friends what we made and I was really tired but we saw lots of pretty trees and flowers and hills which was nice cos I really really really like trees and flowers and hills and also we got to stay in tents which was really exciting but also really cold sometimes and we had some donkeys to carry our bags and hairdryers and stuff and there was a cook man who did our cooking and we got to eat lots and lots of soup and some nights we

had some wine and beer and one day we sat in a cage to get across the mostest dangerous river in Peru and it was really exciting but I wasn't scared at all and at the end of our big long walk we saw some really old houses in the really pointy hills called something like Matthew-Pinch-You where there were lots of American people with like really big bellys because they eat McDonalds every day and like even bigger cameras round there

big fat necks and also we saw funny sheep with long necks which were real cute and I wanted to take one with me in my rucsac but Kev said that I wasn't allowed so I called him a poo but still I wasn't allowed to take a giraffe-sheep in my rucsac and after that we went to Cusco again and ate pizzas and burgers but not guinea pigs cos thats like totally gross and also we looked at more old buildings and Kev got hit on the head by a big bird when he was eating a banana and I laughed lots and lots and thats about all what happened on my hollydays.
Cribbage Update: It's like totally not fair when I don't get to win all the time cos I was like the first person to know about cribbage and so I should be better and yeah but no but.
Jools 999 Kev -3
So Kev finally let you near a computer?! For some reason it reminded me of your cookery jotter !!
Well done on being cribbage champ in every continent !
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