Once upon a time in a land far, far away there lived a man, a women, their one-eyed dog and a turtle. Uncle Dick, Auntie Navel, Sporky and Taz lived in the picture-perfect town of Port Abraham on the Eerie Peninsula. They lived a happy, simple life in a big, big house at the top of a big, big hill overlooking the big, big sea.
One fine and sunny February day, as the sunbeams glinted prettily off the metal rooftops, Dick and Navel had 2 very special friends come to visit - the ever so slightly odd and grubby travelling twosome, Jeff and Kools.

Marvellous fun-filled, carefree days were spent gaily fishing, squidding, sand-boarding, boogie-boarding, climbing trees, gambolling with lambs and generally having a right jolly spiffing good lark. Once the adventures were over for the day they would run eagerly to the pantry where Auntie Navel - ample bosoms heaving - would be waiting to hand out thick slabs of fresh baked bread, spread with lashings and lashings of homemade fruity condiments and washed down with big bottles of fizzy pop.

Every night as the sun slowly slipped beneath the sea, they would all gather eagerly round the glowing embers on the barby, and Uncle Dick would recount magical tales of local heroes and their great feats of strength and bravery in the much heralded tuna throwing contests.

One very special day, Auntie Navel packed everybodys knapsacks with delicious hampers and led the brave adventurers to a very special place. Along a secret road, around a secret bend, over a secret hill, down some secret stairs, through a secret tunnel lay the most secret of all secret coves. They arrived just in the nick of time to don their superhero outfits and rescue a stricken baby seal from the clutches of an evil mastermind hellbent on world destruction. Having saved the day, Dick, Navel, Jeff, Kools and the happy seals frolicked gaily within the cosy interio

r of Willy Cove. Simply marvellous!
Well, here's where the plot starts to run a bit thin (was there ever a plot?). But they did all live happily ever after - apart from the poor old fish who was totally gutted.