Tiring of the dull, tedious monotony and endless hardships of travelling, we set up camp in the town of Margaret River for a fortnight. Margaret River (or Margo as the Aussies call it (actually I made that up)) is famous for its proximity to world class surf beaches and world class vineyards. Hence, therefore, thus, we spent a world class 2 weeks getting pissed and surfing - only joking(kind of). We actually spent our first afternoon in town touting our bodies around employment agencies and within a few hours were gainfully employed as 'trainee shoot thinners " in a local vineyard.

The gaffer at the vineyard was Al - a real Aussie man's man, clad in tackety work boots, short shorts, singlet, checked shirt, and sporting a fine mullet and a sprout of lower-lip bumfluff (a facial hairstyle much beloved by the Aussies). Al (ably assisted by his other half Val) was in charge of a group of 20 (or however many bothered to turn up on that day) work-shy travellers and local "characters". Those not in favour were affectionately referred to as "faaackin' cock 'eds".

As "shoot thinners" we toiled from 6am until 2.30pm (shock, horror - no flexitime) breaking unwanted shoots off the vines. It's an occupation not to be reccomended for hayfever sufferers, as I was forced to adopt the dayglo-bandit-look as modelled in the photo opposite.
Cribbage Update: Cribbage? What's cribbage?