Chrissie in Brissie with the rellies
One plane journey later we were in Queensland amongst the banana benders. Here we enjoyed living the life of luxury (we've noticed that the standards we consider luxury decrease in direct proportion with the increase in the amount of time spent slumming it in campsites/hostels) with Jools' brother and family. We enthusiastically adopted the roles of Auntie Julie and Auntie Kevin (hummph) to the "angelic" three-year-old twins Molly and Amelia. Hi girls - we know you're both avid blog readers!
It was great just to kick-back and relax (well as much as is possible with two mentalists (erm sorry, "angelic" little angels) running riot morning, noon and night) in a proper home for a couple of weeks. Cheers David and Roz.
It was a rather unusual experience to be wandering around on the 25th December wearing shorts with the temperature in the mid 30s. On Christmas day we journeyed to a big, posh, air-conditioned house, met at least 400 of David and Roz' relatives and ate puddings until we resembled puddings.
Cribbage Update: No time for cribbage when there are little angels to be entertained