Friday, December 01, 2006

Hard Yakka

Tiring of the dull, tedious monotony and endless hardships of travelling, we set up camp in the town of Margaret River for a fortnight. Margaret River (or Margo as the Aussies call it (actually I made that up)) is famous for its proximity to world class surf beaches and world class vineyards. Hence, therefore, thus, we spent a world class 2 weeks getting pissed and surfing - only joking(kind of). We actually spent our first afternoon in town touting our bodies around employment agencies and within a few hours were gainfully employed as 'trainee shoot thinners " in a local vineyard.

The gaffer at the vineyard was Al - a real Aussie man's man, clad in tackety work boots, short shorts, singlet, checked shirt, and sporting a fine mullet and a sprout of lower-lip bumfluff (a facial hairstyle much beloved by the Aussies). Al (ably assisted by his other half Val) was in charge of a group of 20 (or however many bothered to turn up on that day) work-shy travellers and local "characters". Those not in favour were affectionately referred to as "faaackin' cock 'eds".

As "shoot thinners" we toiled from 6am until 2.30pm (shock, horror - no flexitime) breaking unwanted shoots off the vines. It's an occupation not to be reccomended for hayfever sufferers, as I was forced to adopt the dayglo-bandit-look as modelled in the photo opposite.

Cribbage Update: Cribbage? What's cribbage?


At 8:24 a.m., Blogger Col said...

I'll try and remember to stay away from any 2006-2007 vintage Australian wines having seen the kind of workers they've been employing. I'm sure big Al runs a tight ship though. He looks like he might be the sort of chap to throw you out of his ute at the first sign of nonsense.

At first glance on your hay-fever photo I thought you had 'blacked up' in homage to the old plantation workers in the Deep South of the US of A until I looked closer and saw the trusty buff was finding yet another use. How versatile that little bit of cloth is!

Have fun in New Zealand.


At 3:03 a.m., Blogger Kev_and_Jools said...

Big Al didn't suffer fools but was an allround top bloke.

Funny you should mention the 'blacked up' look actually. One day as I appeared through the vines in my anti-hayfever regalia, Al looked shocked and commented that he didn't think he'd employed any Africans. Obviously these weren't his exact words - there were various obscenities mixed in there too.

All hail the mighty buff!

At 2:13 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Kev - always welcome at the vineyards in Reykjavik.


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